$File '%s' already exists. Overwrite?)Directory '%s' already exists. Overwrite?æThe first %scipher supported by the server is %s, which is below the configured warning threshold.
Do you want to continue with this connection?client-to-server server-to-client ░Target directory contains partially transfered file '%s'. Do you want to resume file transfer? Note: Answering 'No' would delete partially transfered file and restart transfer.wTarget directory contains partially transfered file '%s', which is bigger than a source file. The file will be deleted.hDo you want to append file '%s' at the end of existing file? Press 'No' to resume file transfer instead..%s
New: %s bytes, %s
Existing: %s bytes, %s"File '%s' is read-only. Overwrite?*Local file '%s' already exists. Overwrite?+Remote file '%s' already exists. Overwrite?w%d new or changed file(s) in local directory '%s' were found. They will be uploaded to remote directory '%s'. Continue?X%d obsolete file(s) in remote directory '%s' were found. They will be deleted. Continue?w%d new or changed file(s) in remote directory '%s' were found. They will be uploaded to local directory '%s'. Continue?